About me

I have my roots in both Japan and Sweden, and have many years of work experience from Japan. I have a deep understanding and great knowledge of its society, culture, mentality, similarities and differences, which is extremely important when starting a collaboration with Japanese parties. My career started within HR but later I worked as a secretary and assistant for Japanese and Asian management teams. Alongside this, I also freelanced as interpreter/translator for local television companies. I'm used to work with Japanese people, but especially important is my experiences of working in a highly multicultural environment, where every day was confronted with Japanese and Western values​​. Since 2011, I work as interpreter/translator and technical visits coordinator in Sweden. Below you will find more information about me and my past projects. Welcome with your inquiry!

My Background

Born in Sweden. Spending my childhood in Japan and partly in India, Japanese education up to middle school. High school and University studies in Sweden.
1993 Bachelor degree in Japanese at Lund University
1993-1995 1.5 years of study at Sophia University in Tokyo as a research student
1995-2011 Work in Tokyo, 9 years at Tetra Pak and 5 years at General Electric. Freelance translator at NHK Global Media Services Inc and Kikko K.K.
2011            Return to Sweden, work as freelance interpreter/translator
2012            Start my own business, launch my website Sweden Japan Translation


My career as a translator/interpreter began in 1994, then mainly for TV productions, on assignments from NHK Global Media Services Inc and Kikko K.K. with varying content. My clients were the public broadcaster NHK and major private TV stations TBS, NTV and TV Tokyo (news, documentary, history, culture, travel programs). Since 2011 I work in Sweden for local translation agencies, municipalities, Swedish and Japanese companies. I have been involved in several interesting projects by Japanese universities, assisting their research work within topics sustainable city, waste management & recycling, elderly and dementia care, immigration & integration. I offer tailormade technical visits programs in Sweden, for Japanese clients.
I have joined Swedish clients on their businesstrip to Japan, travel is not an issue! It is in fact really valuable to have a local guide and interpreter with you for smooth and efficient communication and successful meetings.
I am also a certified tourist guide and a member of SkåneGuide association.

Some examples of my past assignments and projects:
・Interpreting at business meetings, media interviews, trade shows

・Accompanying interpreter at technical visits (elderly and dementia care, sustainable urban development, waste management and recycling etc )

・Custom-made technical visit programs, research, inquiries and appointments (municipalities, nursing homes, medical institutions, waste-to-energy plants, recycling centers, waste management companies, schools, universities, NGOs, government agencies, science parks etc)

・Translation of dementia care education package and software program, in charge of interpreting at the training venue (in Japan)

・Translation of apps, corporate websites, pamphlets, PR video clips, academic surveys, presentation materials

・Interpreting at educational institutions, hospitals, public institutions etc

・Translations for public broadcaster NHK and TV stations NHK BS, TBS, NTV, TV Tokyo

・Business correspondences

・Tour guide for Japanese visitors (Malmö, Copenhagen city tours, North Zealand)

・Tourist information before travelling to Japan

Area of Specialty

Elderly and dementia care, sustainable urban development, waste management and recycling, tourism

Interpreter & Coordinator

Malmö, Sweden

Why I love being an interpreter:
- Building bridges Sweden-Japan
- Contribute to successful meetings, exchange knowledge, create new contacts and opportunities, collaborations!
- Constantly learning new things
- New place, new people
- Challenging but rewarding!